Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham and St Stephen
The Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham and St Stephen is our Cell of the Society of Our Lady Walsingham.
The Objects of the Society are:
To honour Mary, the Mother of God and to deepen faith in the incarnation of Our Lord
To promote devotion to Our Lady and pilgrimage to Walsingham
To further, with the aid of Our Lady’s prayers, the conversion of the nations and the re-union of Christendom
To seek holiness of life through prayer, the scriptures and the sacrament
Members of the society are asked to say the Angelus each day
The cell meets regularly to offer Mass for the shrine and for the objects of the society.
Members of the parish and cell travel on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham every year and anyone is welcome to join us.
Our next pilgrimage is expected to be during September 2022.