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Pastoral Letter

Dear Family of St. Stephen’s,

It is a while since I last wrote to you all. In my last letter, I had the vain hope that things would seem to be a bit easier and less complicated by now. In fact the opposite is true. We are, as I write looking at the real possibility of once again being in a much tighter ‘lock down.’

Nevertheless, we are now able to meet regularly for Mass on a Sunday and weekdays. The numbers are limited to keep everyone as safe as possible, certainly within the ‘rules’ – or is it guidance – who knows!

Do note, that whether you live in Blackpool or further afield, worship is exempt (at the moment) from restriction on attendance.

At the 10.30 Mass on Sundays we now have space for approximately 30 ‘pre-booked’ people in the congregation. We quite often reach that capacity. Although we are still not able to sing, we can and do have the choir providing much-to-be-welcomed choral accompaniment to our worship.

At the 9.00 our Organists, Philip and Andrew continue generously to provide simple music to enrich worship at that Mass – I am deeply grateful to them. At the moment there is plenty of space for people to book for that Mass.

There is also Prayer Book Evening Prayer each Sunday at 6pm. No booking necessary.

‘Booking’ is not necessary (at the moment) for our weekday services. Those who might still, very understandably, feel unsure about coming to the Sunday services, can with confidence come along on weekdays.

(NB There will be slight changes to our weekday services during October only, with the omission of Monday and Thursday) This is due to the fact that re-wiring of our lighting system is being undertaken.

Even if you are not able to come along for worship, please be assured that you are prayed for regularly at our services. Please remember too, that although I am still not able to visit on a routine basis, if you need me I will come – just ring. Also if you would like a chat, or if you would like to request a prayer or pray together, just ring. If I don’t answer, please leave a message. I will get back to you within a short time.

With the assurance of my prayers,

Fr Andrew


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St Stephen on the Cliffs, Holmfield Road, Blackpool, FY2 9RB

An Anglican church in the Diocese of Blackburn


St Stephen on the Cliffs PCC Reg Charity No 1131959

Friends of St Stephens Reg Charity No 1120454

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