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A Reader in Training

Over the next few week we'll be welcoming a new face at St Stephens. Iain Thomson is currently studying for the Reader Ministry and as part of his training he will be joining us on placement for a few months. I'm sure everyone will make him very welcome.

To help us get to know him Iain tells us a little about himself.

Iain Thomson

I was born in Berlin in 1973, but brought up in Scottish borders, where I went to school.

After several years working with adults with autism and challenging behaviour in 2000 I started my training to become a mental health nurse. I moved to Blackpool in 2003 and have lived reasonably locally for the last 18 years working in mental health services.

My current role is working in accident and emergency as a mental health nurse specialist providing assessments and advice in Blackpool Victoria hospital.

I have been a Christian since the age of 15, I grew up in a home with parents who were non Christian. In my mid 20’s I would say I fell out with God and my local church. I then went off and did my own thing.

After experiencing some personal tragedy 5 years ago I found myself questioning things and re engaging with my faith and with God, the catalyst in turning back to God was about 3 and a ½ years ago when I was asked to be a God parent to my young cousins children. I felt the promises I made before GOD were very important to me.

At the same I moved house and moved next to St Anne Greenlands. I started to go to church there and I have since been confirmed and become very involved in the witness and ministry there. I have commenced the readers course which has been enjoyable and a real challenge.

I am looking forward to working and sharing in the ministry with you over the next few months and learning from you all.

God Bless

Iain Thomson

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St Stephen on the Cliffs, Holmfield Road, Blackpool, FY2 9RB

An Anglican church in the Diocese of Blackburn


St Stephen on the Cliffs PCC Reg Charity No 1131959

Friends of St Stephens Reg Charity No 1120454

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