St Stephen's roof appeal

The problem
St Stephens parish was established in 1912, the current church was built almost 100 years ago and has been at the heart of north shore ever since.
During repairs to the roof caused by recent storm damage it was discovered that there was serious deterioration to the fabric of it.
After investigation it appears as a result of the chemical treatments used at the time of construction and the salt in the atmosphere due to our proximity to the sea the timbers have seriously degraded and we therefore need to replace the roof battens across the entire roof.
The solution
Simply put, we need to re-roof both the church and Parish Centre.
For the Parish Centre this will mean completely removing the slate roof and replacing all the corroded fixings and then restoring the original slates.
For the church this will involve removing the rosemary tiles from the entire roof. Removing the old battens and felt and replacing with new and then restoring the original tiles.
The cost to carry out this extensive work to keep St Stephens at the centre of the life of north shore is going to be in the region of £250,000. Money which St Stephen's simply doesn't have!
How you can help
The work on our roof is now almost complete but your support is still crucial in helping us keep St Stephen's church and Parish Centre open.
If you are able we would love if you could make a donation to help us replace our roof and keep St Stephen's at the spiritual heart of Blackpool's north shire.
Please use "Roof appeal" as your reference
We would like to thank all those who have supported us both financially and with their time. Especially:
Number One Trust
St Stephen on the Cliffs would like to thank National Churches Trust for their generous donation towards the rebuilding of the roof.
We are very grateful for their assistance and are happy to report that the work is nearly completed.
National Churches Trust

"I have never seen battens in such a condition and the extent of the deterioration and potential for damage to the roof"
Steve Fish, Architect