Life Events
For nearly 100 years St Stephens has been here to help people to mark the major events in their life, from the happy to the sad.
Getting Married

If either you or your partner live in the Parish of St Stephen then you are entitled to be married in the church.
If you do not live in the parish then you may still be entitled to be married in the church if you have a connection here.

When a new baby arrives families and friends want to celebrate.
A Baptism Service, often called a Christening, not only caters for this but It also includes promises about following Jesus as teacher and Lord, accepting him as saviour and discovering him as our friend.

As well as being here for times of joy and celebration, the St Stephen's community also exists to give hope and comfort in more difficult and challenging times.
The clergy here at St Stephens regard the leading and arranging of funerals as a vitally important and privileged part of their ministry.