Thought for the week - 26 November 2023
When I was a little boy we used to play a game called king of the hill. We’d run outside find a dirt pile, a bin, even on one memorable...
Fr Andrew Teather
Nov 26, 2023

Thought for the week - 18 November 2023
All this talk of servants and masters is hard to swallow for our modern ears. We have a difficult enough time acting out our faith – and...
Fr Andrew Teather
Nov 19, 2023

Thought for the week - 12 November 2023
The whole month of November is given to remembering the dead, but more than that, because as Christians, we can pray for the dead as...
Fr Andrew Teather
Nov 12, 2023

Thought for the week - 5 November 2023
Nothing that we build really lasts of course, eventually it will fall down, or need repair, or become obsolete – even things we buy...
Fr Andrew Teather
Nov 5, 2023