Thought for the week - 23 April
Today, the second Sunday of Easter in the Common Worship Lectionary the gospel reading is the same for all the three years. It is the...
Fr Harry
Apr 24, 2022

Thought for the week and Fr Andrew's final sermon
There are some classic verses used as texts for a priest at the end of a ministry. There is from Ps 95: “I was wearied of these people;...
Fr Andrew Sage
Apr 17, 2022

Thought for the week - 10 April
Throughout this liturgical year, in Luke’s gospel, we have been hearing Jesus say, "I must go up to Jerusalem." The opening words of...
Fr Harry
Apr 10, 2022

Thought for the week - 3 April
But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, "Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred...
Fr Harry
Apr 3, 2022