Thought for the week - 22 August
Gospel reading John 6: 56-69 Well, here we are, back to grumbling again! Didn’t take long did it! This time Jesus’s disciples are...
St Stephens
Aug 22, 2021

Thought for the week - The Assumption
The commemoration of the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Dormition, or falling asleep, as it was known in the East) is known as the...
Fr Andrew Sage
Aug 15, 2021

Thought for the week - 8 August
Trinity 10. Gospel John 6: 35 & 41-51 In today’s gospel, John picks up, or rather continues, Jesus’ theme of The Bread of Life – a...
Fr Andrew Sage
Aug 8, 2021

Thought for the week - 1 August
35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be...
Fr Harry
Aug 1, 2021